cwPromiseNetelecTel U.S. Domestic 
And International Long Distance

PromiseNet US Origination Long Distance Rates
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Rates valid as of 1 August 1998.
Rates only valid for calls originating from a registered phone number
Rates apply for calls made using the 1016444 access code.
24 Hour, 7 Day, Per Minute Rates from the USA in US dollars.
Domestic Interstate rate $0.089/minute, six second billing.
Domestic Intrastate rate (look below for State Abbreviation), six second billing.
No usage limits, no sign-up fees, no monthly fees *.
Note: Many 1+ services deceptively CLAIM no monthly fees, but by law, (FCC regulations) all 1+ services MUST charge monthly PICC and Term charges. As a dialaround service, PromiseNet 1016444 is subject to no such requirements.

Afghanistan$1.6439Eritrea$1.5169 Malaysia$0.3661Romania$0.5828
AK (Inter/Intra)$0.1990Estonia$0.4035 Maldives$0.8920Russia$0.5605
AL Intrastate$0.0970Ethiopia$1.2177 Mali Republic$1.0194Rwanda$1.2628
Albania$0.4483Faeroe Islands$0.3589 Malta$0.3781Saint Helena$0.9565
Algeria$0.4783Falkland Islands$1.0670 Marianas Island$0.6725Saint Kitts & Nevis$0.6128
American Samoa$0.6800Fiji Islands$1.0760 Marshall Islands$0.5946Saint Lucia$0.7322
Andorra$0.4125Finland$0.2242 Martinique$0.4783Saint Pierre$0.3886
Angola$0.6725FL Intrastate$0.0680 Mauritania$0.8219Saint Vincent$0.8667
Anguilla$0.6277France$0.2316 Mauritius$0.8369Saipan - (CNMI)$0.5290
Antarctica (Scott)$0.6128French Antilles$0.5918 Mayotte Island$0.6796San Marino$0.5111
Antigua/Barbuda$0.6576French Guiana$0.5903 MD Intrastate$0.0800Sao Tome$1.2181
AR Intrastate$0.0890French Polynesia$0.8667 ME Intrastate$0.1260Saudi Arabia$0.9878
Argentina$0.6650GA Intrastate$0.0900 Mexico -1$0.2531SC Intrastate$0.0980
Armenia$0.9878Gabon$0.9486 Mexico -2$0.2872SD Intrastate$0.0820
Aruba$0.4483Gambia$0.6654 Mexico -3$0.4230Senegal$1.3839
Ascension Islands$0.9061Georgia$0.8967 Mexico -4$0.4401Serbia$0.5754
Australia$0.1570Germany$0.1420 Mexico -5$0.5080Seychelles Island$1.1357
Austria$0.2465Ghana$0.6866 Mexico -6$0.5929Sierra Leone$1.0163
AZ Intrastate$0.0830Gibraltar$0.4468 Mexico -7$0.5977Singapore$0.3886
Azerbaijan$0.6230Greece$0.4783 Mexico -8$0.5977Slovak Republic$0.3587
Bahamas $0.2951 Greenland $0.7786 Mexico City $0.4401 Slovenia $0.2989
Bahrain $0.8967 Grenada $0.7433 MI Intrastate $0.0910 Solomon Islands $1.0163
Bangladesh $1.2318 Guadeloupe $0.5828 Micronesia $1.0701 Somalia $1.2284
Barbados $0.6725 Guam $0.1793 MN Intrastate $0.0820 South Africa $0.5903
Belarus $0.5762 Guantanamo Bay $0.5946 MO Intrastate $0.0860 Spain $0.3661
Belgium $0.2391 Guatemala $0.5874 Moldova $0.7278 Sri Lanka $1.1508
Belize $0.9910 Guinea $0.6874 Monaco $0.2839 Sudan $0.5977
Benin $0.7921 Guinea-Bissau $1.2853 Mongolia $1.0619 Suriname $1.2404
Bermuda $0.3363 Guyana $0.9714 Montserrat $0.7398 Swaziland $0.3736
Bhutan $0.9266 Haiti $0.7504 Morocco $0.5874 Sweden $0.1420
Bolivia $0.8398 HI $0.1160 Mozambique $0.8518 Switzerland $0.1868
Bosnia & Herzegovi $0.5754 Honduras $0.7024 MS Intrastate $0.0980 Syrian Arab Republic $0.8070
Botswana $0.6277 Hong Kong $0.2541 MT Intrastate $0.0830 Taiwan $0.5006
Brazil $0.5977 Hungary $0.3169 Myanmar- Burma $1.1893 Tajikistan $0.8892
British Virgin Isl $0.4632 IA Intrastate $0.0900 Namibia $0.6725 Tanzania $0.6874
Brunei (Negara) $0.4409 Iceland $0.3736 Nauru $1.0194 Thailand $0.7846
Bulgaria $0.3886 ID Intrastate $0.0820 NC Intrastate $0.0970 TN Intrastate $0.0980
Burkina Faso $0.7921 IL Intrastate $0.0670 ND Intrastate $0.0820 Togo $1.1657
Burundi $0.7338 IN Intrastate $0.0940 NE Intrastate $0.0970 Tonga Islands $1.1807
CA Intrastate $0.0740 India $0.7320 Nepal $1.1059 Trinidad & Tobago $0.7995
Cambodia $1.2702 Indonesia $0.7772 Netherlands $0.1831 Tunisia $0.5231
Cameroon $0.9938 Iran $1.0012 Netherlands Antilles $0.3582 Turkey $0.5336
Canada (All NPA's) $0.1345 Iraq $1.2034 New Caledonia $0.8653 Turkmenistan $0.9863
Cape Verde Island $0.6654 Ireland $0.2242 New Zealand $0.2055 Turks & Caicos $0.6277
Cayman Islands $0.5155 Israel $0.3699 NH Intrastate $0.0730 Tuvalu $1.0012
Central African Rep $1.1357 Italy $0.2316 Nicaragua $0.7084 TX Intrastate $0.0950
Chad Republic $1.3764 Ivory Coast $1.2105 Niger Republic $0.8518 Uganda $0.8219
Chile $0.3363 Jamaica $0.7872 Nigeria $0.9061 Ukraine $0.5231
China $0.9191 Japan $0.2619 Niue $1.1881 United Arab Emirates $0.7338
Christmas Island $0.4334 Jordan $0.9486 NJ Intrastate $0.0810 United Kingdom $0.0700
CO Intrastate $0.0820 Kazakhstan $0.7363 NM Intrastate $0.0830 Uruguay $0.8818
Cocos Isl $0.5969 Kenya $0.8953 Norfolk Island $0.5096 US V.I. $0.1740
Colombia $0.5451 Kiribati $1.1610 Norway $0.1927 USA Interstate $0.0890
Comoros $0.8920 Korea - North $1.1956 NV Intrastate $0.0970 UT Intrastate $0.0820
Congo $0.9769 Korea - South $0.5529 NY Intrastate $0.0970 Uzbekistan $0.7622
Cook Islands $1.2177 KS Intrastate $0.0850 OH Intrastate $0.0930 VA Intrastate $0.0540
Costa Rica $0.6128 Kuwait $0.9910 OK Intrastate $0.0850 Vanuatu $0.9205
Croatia- Repub Of $0.5231 KY Intrastate $0.0990 Oman $1.1326 Vatican City $0.2316
CT Intrastate $0.0990 Kyrgyzstan $0.7363 OR Intrastate $0.0830 Venezuela $0.4857
Cuba $0.8354 LA Intrastate $0.0970 PA Intrastate $0.0810 Vietnam $1.2702
Cuba (Guantanamo) $0.6277 Laos $1.0462 Pakistan $1.2743 VT Intrastate $0.1100
Cyprus $0.4827 Latvia $0.4184 Palau Republic $0.9565 WA Intrastate $0.0830
Czech Republic $0.3587 Lebanon $1.0163 Panama $0.7929 Wake-Mdwy $0.2180
DC Intrastate $0.0540 Lesotho $0.6725 Papua New Guinea $0.6128 Wallis & Futuna Is $0.5380
DE Intrastate $0.0800 Liberia $0.7901 Paraguay $0.8295 Western Samoa $0.8219
Denmark $0.1793 Libya $0.4483 Peru $0.7929 WI Intrastate $0.0900
Diego Garcia $0.8920 Liechtenstein $0.3318 Philippines $0.5754 WV Intrastate $0.0800
Djibouti $0.9191 Lithuania $0.5903 Poland $0.4409 WY Intrastate $0.0830
Dominica $0.7622 Luxembourg $0.2541 Portugal $0.4558 Yemen Arab Republic $0.9565
Dominican Republic $0.3540 MA Intrastate $0.1110 PR $0.1629 Yugoslav- Fed Rep $0.6128
Ecuador $0.6088 Macau $0.6128 Puerto Rico $0.1629 Zaire $0.8369
Egypt $0.9266 Macedonia $0.5977 Qatar $0.9628 Zambia $0.8967
El Salvador $0.5963 Madagascar $0.9863 Reunion Island $0.7173 Zanzibar $1.1604
Equatorial Guinea $1.2019 Malawi $0.5529 RI Intrastate $0.0730 Zimbabwe $0.6681
* $2.00 billing fee applies any month usage is under $20 but more than $0.
Rates subject to change without notice.
Credit limits will apply; subject to policies of vendors.

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